Solid Sands and HighTec Announce Partnership to Qualify Rust Libraries for Automotive

Solid Sands and HighTec Announce Partnership to Qualify Rust Libraries for Automotive

Solid Sands, the world-leading provider of verification and qualification technology for C and C++ compilers and libraries, and VyperCore, a fabless semiconductor company offering up to 5x acceleration of managed-language applications, have announced that UK-based VyperCore has chosen SuperTest, Solid Sands’ comprehensive testing and validation suite, to ensure compliance with C and C++ language standards for the development of their new accelerator chip. This collaboration is poised to procure VyperCore with the highest quality levels when developing and modifying compilers and standard libraries.

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Solid Sands and VyperCore Collaborate to Ensure C/C++ Compliance in New Accelerator Chip Design

Solid Sands and VyperCore Collaborate to Ensure C/C++ Compliance in New Accelerator Chip Design

Solid Sands, the world-leading provider of verification and qualification technology for C and C++ compilers and libraries, and VyperCore, a fabless semiconductor company offering up to 5x acceleration of managed-language applications, have announced that UK-based VyperCore has chosen SuperTest, Solid Sands’ comprehensive testing and validation suite, to ensure compliance with C and C++ language standards for the development of their new accelerator chip. This collaboration is poised to procure VyperCore with the highest quality levels when developing and modifying compilers and standard libraries.

See the Press Release

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Sjoerd van der Zwaan Joins Solid Sands as Chief Product Officer

Solid Sands, the world-leading provider of verification and qualification technology for C and C++ compilers and libraries, announced that Sjoerd van der Zwaan, who has a background in Robotics and Computer Vision, along with solid experience and network in the industry, has joined Solid Sands as Chief Product Officer.

See the English version of the Press Release

See the Dutch version of the Press Release

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