Videos and Webinars
Videos and Webinars
We regularly give webinars and talks at conferences about compiler and library qualification, functional safety and other related topics. On this page, you find an overview of webinars and talks that were recorded, as well as other videos about compiler qualification, library qualification and the use of our products. If you want to stay updated, make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

SuperTest User Webinar: From bfloat to long double
In this webinar, we present how to use SuperTest’s powerful depth suites to verify a compiler’s specific data model implementation, and how to simultaneously verify your compiler’s constant propagation optimizations as an additional benefit.
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SuperTest User Webinar: New features of the SuperTest Aelbert Cuyp Release
The SuperTest Aelbert Cuyp 5.0 Release has added 1460 new tests in the C and C++ suites. It covers a variety of new or enhanced features. We will highlight some of these in this short webinar.
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SuperTest User Webinar: SuperTest’s Calling Convention Tester: An essential part of ABI testing
This webinar will demonstrate why SuperTest’s highly configurable Calling Convention Tester is an essential test generator to verify calling conventions within a compiler, verify that there are no ABI-breaking changes between different versions of a compiler, or even verify calling convention consistency between completely different compilers.
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SuperTest User Webinar: Tempest2: a look behind the scenes
The evolution of languages and libraries does not only lead to extensions of our test suite, but also of our tooling. This webinar will highlight the newest item in our arsenal, the Tempest2 test generator.
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CerTran & SuperTest: continuous C/C++ compiler qualification
This webinar will teach you how the integration of CerTran and SuperTest automates the analysis of the compiler’s use case and the compiler validation, as part of your qualification project.
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SuperTest User Webinar: SuperTest Vermeer Release Update #4
Smart compilers keep us on our toes. That is why we are constantly extending SuperTest. This webinar will highlight a number of great new features in the SuperTest Vermeer Release Update #4. We are going to discuss the technical details and background of this new update.
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SuperTest User Webinar: Getting the most out of your SuperTest configuration
The highly scriptable test driver in SuperTest has many configuration options. In this webinar, we will walk you through the most important options, show you how to script the test driver to run tests on any target platform, and demonstrate multiple methods to speed up your test runs.
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SuperTest User Webinar: A Deep Dive Into the SuperTest Loop Optimizations Test Suite
Every compiler performs optimizations, even if you don’t ask for it. In this webinar we will present the importance of verifying the correctness of optimizations using SuperTest’s Loop Optimization Test Suite.
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Back to Basics: Safe and Secure use of the Standard C Library
No matter what your library of choice is, it is good to understand what is required to verify that the standard library is safe to use. This webinar provided necessary details, tips, and best practices to safely and securely use your standard C Library.
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How to accelerate ISO 26262 product development and commercialization
In this joint webinar, we introduce the ISO 26262 expectations regarding standard library usage and associated challenges. We demonstrate step-by-step how you can tackle these challenges with the SuperGuard C Library Safety Qualification Suite, which provides you with everything you need to use the C standard library safely.
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Qualification of Libraries Using Static Analysis and Requirements Based Testing
There are many good reasons to want to use a library. Not only does it save development effort, but a library may actually have a higher quality than what you can create yourself within the constraints of a project. The question is, can you use those libraries safely as well?
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The Application Hazard Scanner: Safety in Spite of Compiler Defects
Does your application run into a known compiler defect? In this webinar, together with BUGSENG, we talk about a solution. Make sure not to miss it.
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How to Qualify Standard Libraries in Safety Critical Applications
In this webinar together with VectorCast, we explain how to qualifying the standard C library with code coverage and testing.
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Safety and Security Critical Software: Start with the End in Mind
In this webinar together with GrammaTech, we explain why you need to make sure your compiler is up to the task. The compiler is the one tool that is responsible for translating all of your source code to application code which will run on your target processor. One error in this translation can have an unpredictable effect on your application.
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Language Subsetting and Compiler Qualification in the Development of Software for Safety-Critical Systems
In this webinar together with BUGSENG, we explain why language subsetting with MISRA standards and compiler qualification go hand-in-hand during the development of software for safety-critical systems.
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ISO 26262 Compiler Qualification in Practice
In this webinar together with VectorCast, we will give you an overview of the benefits of compiler qualification and of what is actually involved in the process of compiler qualification according to ISO 26262.
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Safety Critical Compilers for Cyber Security & Reliable Development
In this webinar together with AFuzion, we will teach you key technical aspects of safety-critical testing related to cyber-security and compilers.
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How to find and avoid vulnerabilities in Embedded Compilers
In this webinar with VectorCast, we walk through the ISO 26262 standard and discuss how it is applied to compilers. The standard offers four methods for tool qualification but as we will see, not all are suitable for compilers.
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Compiler Black-Box Testing and Peculiar Bugs Encountered
Listen to Ahmed Ibrahim, talking about “Compiler Black-Box Testing and Peculiar Bugs Encountered” at emBO++ 2024.
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Using a Test Suite based on the Language Specification to Qualify the C and C++ Compiler
Listen to our CTO, Marcel, talking about “Using a Test Suite based on the Language Specification to Qualify the C and C++ Compilers”.
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Interview Electropages at embedded world 2023 – Ensuring Safety Compliance with C and C++ Standards
In this interview, Marcel Beemster explains how our solutions are used in various industries to ensure safety requirements.
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Qualification of the C and C++ Standard Libraries for Safety-critical Applications
Remi van Veen explains the process used to qualify the C and C++ standard libraries for safety-critical applications at the RISC-V Summit.
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C Traceability with Unclear Specifications
In this Embedded Toolbox podcast, Marcel Beemster showcases the difficulties with traceability due to unclear specifications in C.
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Qualification of the C and C++ standard libraries for safety-critical applications
Marcel Beemster explains how we created a requirement-based test suite and the process used to qualify the C and C++ standard libraries for safety-critical applications using the ISO 26262 automotive Functional Safety standard.
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SuperGuard: The solution for using C standard libraries in safety-critical applications
In this presentation, Marcel Beemster shows the principles and practice of C standard library qualification at the Embedded System Week 2022.
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Technical Panel Discussion: Standards-Driven Development in an Agile World
Our CTO, Marcel Beemster joined the panel to talk about ‘Standards-Driven Development in an Agile World’ at the virtual Embedded Safety & Security Summit 2022.
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A Requirements based Test Suite for the C Standard Library: SuperGuard
In this talk at the RISC-V Summit, we talk about SuperGuard, a requirement-based test suite for the C standard library, with traceability from individual test results to the requirements derived from the ISO C language specification.
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Using C and C++ Compilers and Libraries in Safety-Critical ComponentsHow to Qualify Standard Libraries in Safety Critical Applications
In this keynote at ESSS 2021, we talk about the changes in the safety critical markets regarding software components such as libraries and compilers.
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Large scale test suites: The standard library is huge
In this talk we will show our approach to build a test suite with full coverage of all the functions in most sections of the C++ Library.
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Testing and qualification of Optimizing Compilers for Functional Safety
During this talk at the LLVM European Developer’s Meeting, we discuss the requirements of ISO 26262 on tools such as LLVM compilers and how they can be met with a testing procedure that works well with the V-Model of engineering.
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Verifying the safety of optimizing compilers
During this talk at the LLVM Social Meetup in Bangalore, we show how we have developed a technique that achieves good results with optimization testing and demonstrate optimization errors in some well-known compilers.
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