Let’s take a moment to recap. What have we written about over the last four years? If you’ve read all 49 of our blogs, well done! Of course, you have to find the time to read them and make sure you don’t get distracted. Are you afraid you might have missed out on some great reads? No worries, the top three best-read blogs are a great place to start.
The top three best-read blogs:
1. How does compiler qualification actually work?
2. How Autonomous Driving leads to AI leads to C++
3. Library code is part of your safety critical application
Are you a committed reader of our monthly blog and nothing passes you by? We wonder if you were one of the few readers of our very first blogs.
Our very first blogs:
1. Code Size Tracking will save costs
2. Compiler generated code is not the same as model/source code
3. Designed for large and small processors
Some of our personal favorites:
Remi van Veen: “I like this blog because it highlights how I turned my thesis research into a part of our product that is valuable to our customers – which is how it all started for me at Solid Sands more than three years ago.”
Leveraging an optimizer’s strengths requires knowing its weaknesses
Nicola Rossi: “I found this article very interesting because it proves that the compiler qualification process is not merely a ‘stamp-recognition’ stage, but instead is a pro-active gear in the development process that improves the quality of the system finding bugs.”
After compiler qualification comes the Application Hazard Scanner
José Luis March Cabrelles: “What I like the most about this blog is that it shows that even an experienced developer can be surprised about the bugs that can be found in a compiler. Many programmers take compilers for granted and assume they don’t contain bugs, and this is a perception that needs to change, especially in mission-critical and safety related projects”.
“What a scary world your engineers live in!”
Have you been waiting for a particular topic of interest to you to appear? Did we not yet write about it? Please share it with us.
The Solid Sands team